My example of structural racism that I chose was how on February 24, 2015, the US Justice Department announced that no federal civil rights charges will be brought against George Zimmerman, who was the man who murdered Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012. This case awoke an evil demon that has been haunting this country since the end of slavery. That demon is structural racism. Even though there was a significant amount of evidence that indicated George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin, he was acquitted because Trayvon was black, and in this country, that’s okay. Structural racism allows for the unconsciously taking of another person’s life without consequence. In this country, this gears more towards the lives of African Americans. You can …show more content…
Trayvon was visiting his father in Sanford, Florida after getting a 10-day suspension from school for a possession of drug residue in backpack. His murderer, George Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain at the gated community of the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford. On the night of the murder, George called 911 to report a, as he described, a “suspicious person” walking through the neighborhood. His description of Trayvon perpetuates the racial bias and attitudes most non-African Americans have towards black Americans. Any African American with a hood is deemed as “dangerous” or “suspicious.” This stereotype has hovered over the African American community forever. When George Zimmerman called the police, he was instructed to not approach the person, Trayvon Martin. “Moments later, neighbors report hearing gunfire” (“Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts”). Zimmerman completely disregarded the instructions, and he stated in the 911 call that he had shot Trayvon. He …show more content…
This case caused so much racial tension because we had some white people who believed what Zimmerman did was correct, and then we had people who were for the conviction of Zimmerman. The country was divided, and it realized a lot of people’s true colors. Zimmerman was able to make bond when he first went to jail. He made bail quickly, which meant that racist people donated to his bond fund because they thought he was wrongfully charged, and they loved the idea of “another black person off the street.” This case showed that structural racism is live and well. It is running profusely through our institutions and judicial system. Our judicial system allowed a man who was a neighborhood block watch captain shoot and kill an unarmed African American teen in cold blood because he was walking through his neighborhood and wearing a hood. We have to do something in this country to work towards the fight of racial justice. People will think it’s okay to kill black people for no reason, well if they feel it’s “self defense.” That’s why we see a rise in the killing of African Americans in this country without consequences. This is not what we live for. We live to value everyone’s life, and we’re doing the complete
M-The case of Trayvon Martin vs. George Zimmerman. This was a case where a 17 year old African American, male was shot and killed within 70 yards of the home in which he was residing in at the time, located at Retreat at Twin Lakes Gated Community in Sanford, Florida, by George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman was a 28 year-old Hispanic male, who was a neighborhood watchman for the Retreat at Twin Lakes Gated Community in Sanford, Florida.
The only problem, the media was producing the wrong conclusion for the audience watching which turned George Zimmerman into a hated man nationally. However, testimony and evidence has proved that Zimmerman was defending himself against an angry Martin. On March 22, 2012 a nationwide coverage of a Florida rally featuring Rev. Al Sharpton, was used to build racial tension in order to force Zimmerman to be arrested. When the phone call between the dispatcher and Zimmerman was released to the public, Zimmerman mentioned Martin being black which caused the nation to think it was a racial prejudice that caused the events to occur. Ultimately, this case proves that the media reports very biased and can control what viewers believe. On August 9, 2014 Michael Brown, an 18 year old black man was shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a 28 year old white Ferguson, Missouri police officer. Before the altercation Brown robbed a convenient store where he stole several packages of cigarillos and shoved the store clerk to the ground. The police were called and nearby Officer Darren Wilson caught up with Brown when an altercation between the two began for the control of Wilson’s gun. During the altercation the gun was fired and Brown ran, with Wilson in hot pursuit behind him. When Brown stopped running he turned and faced Wilson and started moving closer to Wilson. Wilson then pulled the trigger and shot Brown multiple times before killing
Trayvon Martin lost his life on Sunday February 26, 2012 due to a gunshot to his chest shot by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida while walking back home from buying an Arizona and skittles from 7-11 at 6:34 pm. George Zimmerman spotted Trayvon walking through his neighborhood and found him suspicious and decided to call the Sanford police at 7:09PM. When he called the police he told them he found him suspicious, “I’ve never seen him in the neighborhood. I know all the residents. It was raining out and he was leisurely walking, taking his time, looking at all the houses.” (Linder, 2014). Police were immediately sent to his location but suddenly Zimmerman stated that Tyron had begun to run away and Zimmerman began to go after him. The dispatcher told him not to go after him and instead to meet the officers, “The dispatcher suggested that Zimmerman meet the arriving officers near the mailboxes.” (Linder, 2014) and he agreed to. Zimmerman later stated that when he was walking back to his car Tyron came at him asking what his problem was and he replied back saying he had no problem and Tyron then punched him in the nose after stating he had a problem now. The punch was what knocked him to the grass and Trayvon continued to punch him while Zimmerman kept screaming for help, “I started screaming for help. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t breathe.” (Linder, 2014). Tyron had been talking on the phone with a friend, Rachel Jeantel,
On February 26,2012, a 17 year old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. He was killed at 7:16 PM at the Twin Lakes, in Sanford Florida, while Trayvon Martin was returning from a local store, where he bought an Arizona ice tea, and skittles. A 28 year old hispanic man name George Zimmerman spotted Trayvon Martin, who he thought acted suspiciously. Moments later, there were an altercation between the two individuals, which resulted in Trayon being shot. The most important question is, why was Trayvon Martin killed? This is an unjustified murder. This murder is unjustified because, Trayvon Martin was ttrying to defend himself, Zimmerman was watching the neighbor hood and spotted Trayvon, who he thought arousing suspicion, and Zimmerman thought he had to shoot Trayvon. Zimmerman was false for shooting him.
George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch leader, was driving to Target to run a errand on the night of February 26, 2012 when he observed a suspicious person, leisurely walking in the rain, looking at all the houses, wearing a grey hoodie as he would tell dispatch in his 911 call made at 7:09 p.m. Moments later an altercation occurred between Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, which left Trayvon dead from a single gunshot wound to his chest and Zimmerman with a bloody nose and a cut to the back of his head. Zimmerman asserted that the shooting was done in self-defense because he thought Trayvon was reaching for his ( Zimmerman’s ) concealed gun and he feared for his life. Eye witness accounts of the event backed his claim that Trayvon was hitting him, but Rachel Jeantel, who had been on the phone with Trayvon,
George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman, shot and killed 17 year old Trayvon Marin in Sampson, Florida on March 25th, 2012.In the police report, Zimmerman claimed to have followed Martin out of the convenience store because he looked suspicious and that is when the altercation between the two began. Some words were shared between the two that led Zimmerman to step out of his car despite the police’s order to remain inside the vehicle. Zimmerman also told police that Trayvon knocked him down when he punched him in the nose and repeatedly slammed his head on the ground and that he had only reached for his gun because he feared for his life. The incident ended when 13 year old Austin Brown saw Zimmerman lying in the grass moaning and crying for help. Police soon arrived after a 911 call about hearing gunshots in the distance from another neighbor (Gutman, 2012). Fine details from that eventful night that would later be used in the investigation and trial are still left unanswered.
As the case grew people were retaliating more that it wasn't a fair ruling protesting that consideration to be taken into account and an investigation. The people wanted Justice for Trayvon and the ruling to be a fair one in order to be assured that in this case and the future if any case similar occurs, fair judgment will be used in the situations unlike the verdict in this case. The department before this shooting was accused of protecting relatives of police officers involved in violent incidents with African-Americans. Within the community in Sanford Florida after the Martin case this made the distrust increase even more between police and Sanford’s black community.
One night in a Florida gated community a young man named Trayvon Martin, was walking down the streets of a mostly white community, stopped by George Zimmerman who was a neighborhood watch resident.Mr. Martin was stopped for being “suspicious” and “up to no good” according to Mr.Zimmerman. Trayvon was fatally shot by Mr. Zimmerman out of “self defense”. Really “Self defense” he was carrying a bag of skittles and a Arizona Tea. This young man was nothing but harmless but was victimed for being African-American.George Zimmerman would rather later stand trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin was found not guilty,until April 2012 he was found guilty of second degree murder.Although there are positives and negatives of this argument, the Black Lives
Did you know that unarmed black men are seven times more likely to die than white men? Racism is as old as human society itself. As long as human beings have been around, people have always seemed to have hated or feared people with a different skin color. Racism is just a part of the human nature. Trayvon Benjamin Martin was just 17 when he was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, in Sanford, Florida on February 2012. The murder of Trayvon Martin affected many people. The death of Martin was just the first of several deaths where a white person killed a black innocent person. Since the deaths weren’t stopping the #BlackLivesMatter movement began.
On February 26, 2012, an African-American teen, Trayvon Martin, was fatally shot by a neighborhood watchmen, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman assumed that Martin looked suspicious then he called the police after being told not to pursue Martin he continues to and the situation ended in a tragedy. The case gained national attention and stirred up many protests around the U.S. All the facts proved that Zimmerman was guilty of wrongfully killing Martin and Martin was not an actual threat just a black man wearing a hoody. After a year, George Zimmerman was acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Once again, the justice system failed African American people. This case proved although there was a Black man in the highest position in the U.S., the justice system was still broken. Across the states riots broke out and protest and the president had to address the issue. President Obama gave an unscheduled speech addressing the issue. The president
Just for wearing a hoodie, carrying an Arizona Tea and for being black he was shot and killed. In the book “Deadly Injustice: Travyon Martin, Race, and the Criminal Justice System“ the authors go on to discuss what happened that night and in the trial that preceded. It also helped me deliberate with how certain deaths are portrayed online. This being one of the biggest cases to hit the news and was brought to almost everyone in the United States attention, even the President at the time made a statement about what had happened to this young man. Social media spreaded this article like a wildfire and soon everyone knew what had happened that night in Florida. One of the main reasons why it was difficult to convict Zimmerman of this crime was because of the “Stand your ground” law After this the tension between black males and police officers rose to an even higher extent. African Americans often feel as if they are treated by police unfairly and with situations like this happening it help supported how they felt. Additionally with cases like in Ferguson and what happened in Lousivelle when four innocent teens were accused of robbing a woman with a weapon where they were later found not guilty of the
For many years, the black and brown communities have been making claims of the prolific abuse endured at the hands of police officers, the very organization whose job it is to protect and serve. And for years, it has been accepted by the minority communities as a way of life for black and brown Americans. It made excellent materials for comedians, movies and fodder for minorities to unite over at the water cooler. But that all changed when George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman, and aspiring cop, shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Many minorities were incensed by the Sanford Florida city police decision not to charge Zimmerman and his subsequent not-guilty verdict after a massive public cry for his arrest. Black American across the nation felt they had
Zimmerman perceived Trayvon to be a dangerous threat to the person of a different race but in reality he was a young boy with a hoodie over his head and skittles in his pocket. Staples personal essay relates to this story because when he walks into a store or down the street people would look at him in a different light. Just because he is young African American man walking down the street or into the store doesn’t mean he will steal, kill, or rape someone. Instead looking down on people of other races than our own, we other need to be optimistic because not everyone is the same. People shouldn’t have to change their demeanor for other people not to be scared of them because of what they look like or their race.
The State of Florida v. George Zimmerman was a criminal prosecution of George Zimmerman on the charge of second-degree murder stemming from the shooting of Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012. This case has been regarded as one of the most controversial in a long time, sparking riots and new movements along with an opening of greater conversations about this country’s gun laws, legal system and racial profiling.
The Trayvon Martin case also has a huge effect on the way society will look at similar (self-defence) cases in the future. When dealing with cases in the future, the George Zimmerman trial will be used as a precedent. This will allow others to kill, and claim they were being attacked. This is why the must change the Stand Your Ground law throughout the country so that innocent people won’t wind up dead. If not, the country will just end up as one big graveyard and Trayvon Martin’s parents won’t be the only ones having to bury their innocent children.