
Examples Of Social Construction In The Chrysalids

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The Problem of Social Construction, Social Convention vs. The Real Human Life Social convention and social construction are both constructed by people, in a way for them to describe their behaviors and opinions. Everyone is created and loved by God, for they are unique in their own ways, with a mind and heart, and with dreams and hopes. The Chrysalids is a story that shows how imperfect society truly is. In The Chrysalids, David and his crew are considered different, which is against the Waknuk creed. People who are born differently or are not “ the true image of God,” are considered blasphemies, which is not welcomed in the city. When social convention and social construction go against reality, nobody knows what to believe in. Discrimination …show more content…

In The Chrysalids, a “deviation” is anyone or anything that does not follow the creed of Waknuk: “Man should have one body, one head, two arms and two legs, that each hand should have four fingers and one thumb: that each finger should bear a flat fingernail…” (Ch.1: pg. 10-11) “ and each leg shall be jointed twice and have one foot, and each foot five toes, and each toe shall end with a flat nail” (Ch.1: pg.13) People of a different sex or colour, or generally different from what the Waknuk people would consider normal, would be treated unfairly. These people are considered deviations, and are unable to complete certain tasks due to how they are born. In our world, people may not get jobs due to their gender or age. Due to social convention, it is not very often that we see a female construction worker, or a female police officer. “ The eldest son. The heir. Waknuk should be mine.” (Ch.14: pg.160)

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