
Examples Of Sexism In I Am Malala

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The book I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb tells the story of a young girl named Malala who stood up for education and against sexism, but is shot by the Taliban in the process. Malala inspires the readers by sharing her story of facing discrimination, destroying sexism, and standing up for her education. Sexism is the belief that one gender is superior than the other. Through close analysis of women facing discrimination, men looking down on women, and Malala deconstructing sexism, the book shows that sexism causes men to look down on women, this influenced Malala to deconstruct it by doing what she believes in. Women, young girls and Malala have to face discrimination and sexism from the people around them. Malala shows …show more content…

Throughout the story the men believe they are the only people who could hold power, work, and get an education. They also thought women were meant to stay home and work for the men and sons of the house. In the book, Malala shares with the readers the expectations of what a man and what a women should be doing with their life. Malala says “a man goes out to work he earns a wage...they don't think power is in the hands of the woman who takes care of everyone all day long,and gives birth to their children” (Yousafzai 116). Malala's words show and say why men look down on women. Malala explains a man's job in Swat and expresses “a man goes out to work he earns a wage.” The expectations and norms of Swat are shown through the information. Which is that all the men work while the women stay home. The men provide and earn a wage for the family and the women work at home for the men. Men is Swat don't believe that women are capable and valued enough to work at a job. Malala describes what the men think and declares “they don't think power is in the hands of the woman who takes care of everyone all day long,and gives birth to their children.” She illustrates that the men believe they have the power and women do not. Although the women worked hard and had to care for so many people, their work is not recognized or appreciated. Then the men go to work and come home but they have the power over everyone else. Since the men were the …show more content…

Malala continues to go to school even when there is discrimination and risks. In Swat,the Taliban had an broadcast that would inform the people, one day Malala was listening to the broadcast. Malala heard the broadcaster say, “he began to speak...congratulating girls by name who left school...girls like me who still went to school he called buffaloes and sheep… I couldn't understand”(Yousafzai,162). Malala stands up for education and she continues to do what she believes in. This broadcast shows the sexism and discrimination,Malala standing up for her education, and Malala’s views on education. Malala states “he began to speak...congratulating girls by name who left school” the text shows how many girls were dropping out of school because the Taliban were encouraging them to leave by calling the girls still in school names, bombing girl’s schools, and using things like religion against them. Malala Faced the sexism and tries to deconstruct it because Malala wants to go school since she believes in equal education for girls and boys. The other section of the passage reads “girls like me who still went to school he called buffaloes and sheep.” This is significant because Malala starts off by telling the audience she is continuing to go to school then the she tells them that girls like her were being criticized for going to school. This is important because it shows the readers that Malala stood up for her

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