
Examples Of Segregation In America During The 1930's

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America During the 1930's

During the 1930s every little thing was labeled and characterized. There were things labeled ¨White¨ and ¨Colored¨ African-Americans were treated horribly and had little to no things, while whites were were treated like they were the best and had all new things. There were many places that were sectioned off by labels and there were many different rules. An example of this would be sundown towns, after dark if you weren't white you would be killed. This was a very hard time for America because of all the segregation but there were also many people living in poverty. Poverty was very common for most families, and mostly common in African-American families that made very little money. Americans suffered …show more content…

This book shows racism and poverty very well. The African-Americans women usually didn't go to school for very long. They would quit young so they could go make money, since there families were usually poor and living in poverty. In the text it says, ¨” I was about to quit school and start my first real job. Mama wanted me to stay on and go to ninth grade…..But with my sister's heart problem and my no-good drunk daddy, it was up to me and Mama, (Stockett,1). This shows how hard it was for the families that were poor, because they had their kids dropping out of school young and the kids had to help support the families. There were many rules that the moms had to teach their daughters so they could keep their job. One of the tips Minny was told was, ¨Ÿou sass a white women in the morning, you'll be sassing on the street in the afternoon,¨ (Stockett,2). When she told Minny this she was warning her to never sass and say what you think. Although Minny didn't listen and she learned the hard way that you will get fired for not following the rules. In the text Minny says, ¨Why do I got to hand wash when the power washer gone do that job, biggest waste a time I ever heard of….That white lady smiled at me, and five minutes later I was out on the street,¨ (Stockett,2). This shows why her mom was teaching her rules to keep her job, and minny should have listened. In the book they also show racism …show more content…

In this pantoum it shows the life of people during the Great Depression. This poem shows many things about the life of the people in America. In the text it says, ¨ Our lives avoided tragedy, Simply by going on and on, Without end and with little apparent meaning,¨( Justice,3). This shows how the African American people felt that there life went on with no meaning. Also if the African Americans got in trouble they usually got hit or hurt somehow, but they didn't make a big deal out of it. In the Pantoum it says, ¨ if we suffered we kept quiet about it,¨(Justice, 16)., This is showing how they kept quiet about things that happened, and they wouldn't make big deals out of. They show how they are living in poverty in the text to by saying, ¨We gathered on porches; the moon rose; we were poor,¨(Justice,22). This showed how they were in poverty and didn't have much money to do things. This pantoum is a way of showing life for people during this time period. It shows how there was racism and poverty and life was hard for many

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