
Examples Of Rational Choice Theory By Ronald Goby

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1) According to the rational choice theory human actions are based on rationality. In other words an individual that commit a crime is rational and he/she thinks that the decision that they are taken is the one that bring the most benefits. Crime is committed for a rational person after the pros and cons from disobeying the law are evaluated.
In today’s society everybody knows that pornography is illegal. That a person is considered an adult when he/she turns 21. Ronald Goby was clearly conscious about what he was doing, he had knowledge that he was committing a crime and he knew the consequences were. He choose pleasure over pain. The decisions made by Ronald Goby were “involvement decisions” because according to the prosecutors he continued to send pornographic material (pictures) to the 13 year old victim. …show more content…

However, Ronald Goby not only had determination and opportunity to commit the crime. He also had the advantage of not being consider a threat to society, being a Northwestern University police lieutenant nobody consider he could be a criminal with his background (Socioeconomic status) and his lifestyle. He played an important role in society and as a police officer he was a role model to society, a person that was consider valuable because he enforced the law, preserved peace, reduced fear, and maintained order. His mission was to protect the lives and property of all citizens like guardian. The rational choice theory stablishes that crime is likely to occur when a motivated offender and a suitable target come together in the absence of a capable guardian. In this specific case the capable guardian was not absent he is the

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