
Examples Of Racism In The Movie Crash

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The 2004 film: “Crash”, featured actors such as; Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, and Terrence Howard. A quote from Simon Braund with the website Empire, that specialises in movie reviews; “A haunting, perceptive and uncompromising examination of controversial subject matter…” (Braund). I personally, was left in tears and had an overflow of emotions by the time the film ended. “Crash”, had many examples of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, that live in our societies today; and the struggles that come along with them. To begin, one thing I immediately noticed about this film; was the amount of social constructs that were shown. When taking notes, it felt like my penil never left the paper as I wrote down all the things I saw. The amount of racism that is present is just overwhelming. The first example of this shown in the movie, was when Farhad, and his Daughter Dorri, who are both Persian; are attempting to purchase a handgun. The shopkeeper becomes frustrated when they begin to speak in a foreign language. He then refuses to let Farhad buy a gun, gets extremely loud and forces him out of the store. Also very plentiful in the film; stereotyping. Within the first five minutes, there was already a dispute; between Ria, who is a Latina woman and an Asian woman who was unnamed. The Asian woman had just rear ended Ria, and she began to make remarks about how ‘Mexican’ women can’t drive. This was very offensive as to define Ria by her race, but also because she is not

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