
Examples Of Racism In Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D Taylor shows the ways that black people dealt with injustice and racism in the South. In this novel, it is very clear how people feel about racism. You can also see the ways in which they react and deal with it. It displays how degradation, humiliation and hatred fill the gap between the white and black races.
Mildred D Taylor is an American writer. She was born in Jackson, Mississippi. She called this place “a segregated city in a segregated state in a segregated America.” When she was only a few weeks old, her parents moved to Ohio due to incidents of racial violence. In 1975, she came out with Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. This is her best-known work. It is narrated Cassie Logan who is 9 years …show more content…

She tries to make them believe that the books they received are “wonderful”. In actuality, the books are dirty and old. Little Man is known as a clean and organized person so he was not happy about getting a book in that shape. Furthermore, he opens the book and sees a list. This list shows the year that the book was given, the condition of the book and the race of the student that the book was given to. For example, in 1992, it said the condition was “new” and the race of the student was “white”. In 1933, the condition of the book was “very poor” and the race of the student was “nigra”. This infuriated Little Man. He throws the book on the floor and stomps on it. In turn, Miss Crocker takes him outside and gives him a whooping.
Cassie attempts to offer an explanation to Miss Crocker in Little Man’s defense. She tries to tell her why he reacted the way that he did and tries to show her the book, pointing out what Little Man got so upset about. Miss Crocker then replies to Cassie, “that’s what you are.” At this point, you can clearly see that Miss Crocker really does not even care. This is also broader than it seems and it shows way more than just the fact that she does not care. It is proof that not only does Miss Crocker accept racism, but she tries to get everyone else to accept it as well. She wanted them to accept the old books and wanted them to be thankful and content with them. She thought they should see them as “wonderful” books and not care that they

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