
Examples Of Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Racial Discrimination is the unrightful behavior or favoritism over someone based on their race. Many people are affected on a daily basis because of the race they are born. The story “To Kill A Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee is fictional and is based on a real life situation about a black man being mistakenly accused of raping a white woman because of his race. The non-fiction article “Justice on Trial: Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System” by Wade Henderson, proves that police officers are too quick to judge black people and believe that they are criminals by their race. “Montgomery Boycott” by Coretta Scott King is another non-fictional article about black people being treated worse than animals and how white people think of them. These pieces of writing reveal how racial discrimination affects the people and how black people are involved with bad stereotypes and bias assumptions. Racial discrimination is seen in “To Kill A Mockingbird” which shows Tom Robinson getting overlooked and impolite treatment as a black person. The negative assumption is people believe in stereotypes and can do nothing …show more content…

The negative assumption is people are treated unlike and prefer one race over the other. Later on in the story, Atticus explains to Jem why Tom Robinson was guilty. “In our courts, when it's a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always win” (Lee 220). This evidence conveys that a black person will always lose when against a white person. People would rather believe a white person telling lies than a black person telling the truth. White people believe that they are better and force the beliefs on other people which leads to racial stereotypes. Therefore, this proves how one’s race can have more advantage and privileges than others. This is also seen in “Montgomery

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