
Examples Of Propaganda In The Crucible

Decent Essays

“You’re pulling down Heaven and raising up a whore!” (Act 3) The Crucible is a play written in the late 1600’s by Arthur Miller. The play is based off of the Salem Witch Trials, in which a bunch of people accused others of being witches. There are many types of propaganda and also many examples of these types of propaganda in The Crucible. Some types of propaganda found in The Crucible are fear, testimonials and bandwagon. The first type of propaganda used in the story was fear. Fear is used when someone tries to install fear, or anxiety into someone in order to get them to do their bidding. The first time fear is used in the story is when Abigail tries to scare the girls into following her lead during the first act. This is an example because Abigail is trying to get the girls to follow her lead and she threatens to kill them if they don’t. The other good example is when the judges and the reverends try to get all the people accused of witches to admit that they are witches or they’ll hang. They try to convince them to admit that they are and give names of other witches or they will be hanged and die. Fear was …show more content…

Testimonials are when a person makes a statement about something to try and sway the person they are telling it to. The first time testimonials are used in this story is when Mary Warren tries to testify against all the other girls. She tries to do this because she knows it’s right instead of lying about it like the other girls. The next time is when Elizabeth testifies about John being an adulterer. John already admitted to having committed adultery, but Elizabeth told the court that John wasn’t an adulterer. Therefore, the court didn’t believe John and instead chose to believe Elizabeth. Testimonials was a good type of propaganda because many people were brought into the court to testify about or against other people. The last main type of propaganda in The Crucible was

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