
Examples Of Perseverance In The Great Gatsby

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Jay Gatsby, a well-known, rich gentlemen is a character that reflects the theme of perseverance by his actions of never giving up with other people throughout the novel, his future goals, and his commitment to make sure his goal is achieved.

Is the novel the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald creates Gatsby as a character who expresses perseverance from the very beginning. Gatsby started as just an ordinary, lower-class, citizen but has a dream of becoming wealthy. After meeting Daisy, he has a reason to strive to become prominent to give her what she wants in a guy. “If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life…”(pg…) This quote expresses how great Jay Gatsby really was on succeeding in his young life and no one even knew the real him- only rumors that are whispered in the streets. …show more content…

“Well he must certainly have strained himself to get this mangerie together” (pg 107). Indeed Gatsby strained himself for Daisy, the wealth, and the name. He is so driven to get this respect and social status that comes with old money but unfortunately it is something he will never have. Tom Buchanan, Daisy’s husband is also obsessed with Daisy and rambles on to Gatsby about her when Gatsby shouts, “I know your wife!” (pg ). Gatsby has a raging addiction to Daisy and after Tom gets on his last nerve, he breaks down and tells him everything he had planned and dreamed for with Daisy almost 5 years

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