
Examples Of Peer Pressure In The Crucible

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Arthur Millers “The Crucible” was written in 1960 and is based on true events about the Salem Witch Trials that occurred back in the 1650’s. Throughout the play, many themes are present such as, reputation, religion, ideology, and accusation. The theme I have chosen is peer pressure as I think it is the most relevant. Peer pressure is a re-current theme throughout the play. It underpins the motivations of at least three of the main characters – Abigail Williams, Mary Warren and John Proctor - and it is the core sociological force that binds the “religious community” and drives their actions both towards a vision of “moral perfection” and towards the persecution of those who do not fit that moral vision; those of whom were accused of witchcraft. With in The Crucible the …show more content…

It is proven by the way that Abigail Williams pressures all of the other girls into claiming that they have encountered witchcraft, Abigail Williams pressured Mary Warren to go along with it and John proctor becomes a victim of peer pressure when he is asked to sign his name in order for his prosecution to be obliterated. During the play one of the most obvious and ominous examples of peer pressure comes from Abigail Williams. With her sly ways of getting her friends- the communities girls of the younger generation to accuse others of witchcraft to the way she happily goes against her friends in order to get her own way. Mary Warren, in the crucible was a major victim of peer pressure. When Mary Warren comes into the court with none other than John Proctor, accusing all of the girls- including Abigail Williams of lying, the court

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