
Examples Of Peaceful Resistance

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Anytime one goes against the norm, they will be persecuted. Society wants everyone to be similar, be quiet, and go with the flow. It is the people who go against those norms and fight for freedom that progress our society. Without them America would be a 21st century society stuck with 18th century ideals. As long as people are not injured physically, resisting unjust and undemocratic laws are important to free society. Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society by forcing new, just values into the spotlight, which would otherwise never be considered.
In the “The Declaration of Independence”, this idea of peaceful resistance is repeated many times as a major theme. For instance, in “The Declaration of Independence” it calls for the separation of the colonies from Great Britain because of the injustices and unfair treatment imposed on the colonies. It was illegal for the colonies to separate from Great Britain, but they did it anyway to further these new American ideals. Obviously they had to fight for their freedom in the American Revolution, but if they could’ve colonists would’ve been content with peacefully resisting Great Britain. The United States was …show more content…

He went against a war he felt was not right to fight for, especially since as an African American his government was forcing him to put his life in danger even though the government didn’t respect African Americans. He fought that the war was pointless and stated, “Why should me and other so-called ‘negroes’ go 10,000 miles away from home, here in America, to drop bombs and bullets on other innocent brown people who’s never bothered us and I will say directly: No, I will not go.” Why would he fight for a country that did not give him the same rights as whites? Although he received criticism, he stayed committed to his ideals and spread his beliefs to others around the country feeling uneasy about the

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