
Examples Of Parenting Styles In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Parenting is very challenging and there are many flaws but great reward to it. There are many struggles in parenting and in To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Atticus Finch has a very good parenting style. One example of Atticus having a good parenting style is when he tells Jem ”you hold your head high and be a gentlemen.Whatever she says to you, it's your job to not to let her make you mad.”(lee,133) he is teaching him to have patience and not get upset quickly Another reason Atticus is a good parent is because he is a good role model he doesn't hate and he respects everyone. An example in the book is when he was talking about the Tom Robinson robinson case he said “if i cant hold my head up in town””i couldn't even tell Jem

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