
Examples Of PMH: Past Medical History

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PMH – Past Medical History
Right inguinal hernia repair (2006)
Fractured Right Neck of femur and partial hip replacement (2005)
Amlodipine 5mgs OD
Over the Counter medication
Paracetamol (which he had taken when needed after his operation)
Social history
Never smoked
Only drinks alcohol on occasions such as Christmas and Birthdays
Social situation
As explained above
Family History
Only child
Father lived to 89; he died in hospital following being admitted for pneumonia. Mr Brown did not remember his father ever having ill health apart from what he describes as normal coughs an colds.
His mother died at the age of 79 from cancer of the stomach.
OUTCOME 2 Physical examination
Once I had taken a history I then went on to carry out …show more content…

Koilonychias causes flattening and thinning of the nails making them brittle. It is unknown what causes these changes but when seen should make the practitioner consider iron deficiency (Yehuda and Mostofsky,2010)
Capillary re-fill was normal and there was no sign of peripheral cyanosis. Capillary refill time is normally less than three seconds; this is the time that it takes for the colour to return to the nailbed. Increased refill time can be a sign of obstructive peripheral arterial disease or decreased cardiac output. On its own it is not a diagnostic test but can be evaluated along with other symptoms (Publications, 2007).
There was no yellowing of the fingers which may suggest smoking.
I then asked him to hold out both of his hands in front of him to assess for any tremors which can be an indicator of CO2 retention or use of a bronchodilator, nothing abnormal (Talley and O'Connor, n.d.).
Patients whose hands show signs of tremor, also known as co2 related flap, may have co2 retention, this means they are unable to get rid of co2 in their lungs, resulting in co2 retention. Seen in patients with severe chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) (Talley and O'Connor, n.d.).
I then took his …show more content…

Pale in colour can be a sign of anaemia. There were no sign of senile arcus which can indicate a raised cholesterol level.
Looking at his face there was no sign of a Malar flush but it was warm to the touch. Malar flush can be an indication of mitral stenosis with pulmonary hypertension, however it can be confused with butterfly rash seen in people with lupus erythematosus (Topol and Califf, 2007).
I then looked into his mouth, there were no signs of central cyanosis or dry membranes.
A bluish discolouration of the mucous membrane can be a sign of cyanosis, this is the result of unoxygenated haemoglobin in the blood (Dieckmann, Brownstein and Gausche-Hill, 2006).
He had his own bottom teeth and a plate at the top that was slightly loose probably due to his weight loss.
I then went onto examine his lymph nodes, starting with the occipital then going onto the cervical sub mandibular and supra clavicle.
The most common causes of swollen lymph nodes is infection and will normally disappear within a few days. In rarer cases it can be a sign of cancer (Magee and Schneider, 2006).
I then looked at his trachea for any signs of

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