
Examples Of Oppression In X-Men

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X-Men and Oppression In the “X-Men” movie, there are great examples of oppression that can be related to many past and present events. The most relevant event that is similar to the way the mutants were treated, is how Adolf Hitler made people of the Jewish descent wear Yellow Stars of David so they could be identified. In Bryan Singer’s movie “X-Men” Senator Kelly was proposing a bill that would make all mutants come forward and identify as mutants. In the early scenes of the movie, Wolverine is at a bar, and gets into a fight with a guy, as he is putting the man against the wall, the bartender pulls out a shot gun and tells Wolverine to leave because he does not “Serve his type.” The bartender does this because Wolverine puts the man …show more content…

Grey. Only Magneto is going about it in a way senator Kelly would expect, the illegal way. Magneto is attempting to do what Adolf Hitler did, if being a mutant is wrong and dangerous, Magneto will just turn all of the normal humans into mutants. Hitler was trying to make one race, like Magneto’s idea he was just turning everyone like him so the persecutions would stop. Senator Kelly states “Now I think the American people deserve the right to decide if they want their children to be in school with mutants” and in the internet source of “X-Men as an Allegory” it is compared with a senator from Alabama who says he doesn’t want the NAACP to take over schools. Senator Kelly and the Alabama senator are both afraid of change, Kelly is worried about putting mutants in with “normal” kids and changing the normal idea of schools. The Alabama senator is worried about the same thing, change. The “normal people” of the X-Men movie are the same way, they do not want the mutant children to be in the same classes as their kids, which is a deeper reason senator Kelly is proposing that the mutants register themselves. When Magneto mutates Senator Kelly he had already deiced to mutate that nations powerful people, like the president and the rest of the senate. Magneto’s goal was to make America tolerant of his kind (Pablos). Professor Xavier even makes a statement saying that …show more content…

Senator Kelly is trying to force the mutants to register themselves, the movie never says what would happen to the mutants after they register. One can only imagine what could happen, just because of what has happened in the past when the Jewish people were forced to register, they were rounded up sent to work camps and executed. Leaving you to think is that what Magneto is afraid of? In the first few scenes Magneto is in a concentration camp being separated from his mother, he fights back and eventually finds out he has a power. Is this the reason Magneto wants to make everyone the same, so there is no more persecution. Or did he really know his machine killed after it mutated, and was he was planning on killing the nation’s leader and starting

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