
Examples Of Mood In Fahrenheit 451

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The setting of the novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is set in a large nameless city. It is believed to take place in 2053. The mood is dark and scary. The author shows you that it isn’t going to be a book with a very happy mood by starting it with Montag coming home from the fire station and meeting Clarisse. Montag seems to be a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. In the beginning he is kind of stuck up. The readers soon find out that he is very unhappy. He is one of the firemen in the novel, firemen are men who go into to people's houses and burn books. Montag owns books of his own and is terrified of getting caught. Reading is illegal in the city that he lives in, but he wants to change that. Montag wants to learn and he wants someone to …show more content…

He used to be an English professor, before books were banned. He is very helpful to Montag throughout the book. Faber is angry, unsatisfied with himself for not standing up for his belief. Faber asks Montag, “‘How did you get shaken up?”’(78). He asks this question one night when Montag shows up at his house angry because he doesn’t know how to remember what he is reading. Faber seems to be Montag's support system. Later on in the book, he is the one who helps Montag escape from the city. In one scene, Montag is on the subway trying to read and remember what he is reading from the Bible. While is is trying to do this, an ad is playing on the subway and it seems as if the ad is getting louder and louder as it goes. The scene is important because it shows Montag's dedication to what he is trying to do. Also, he is on his way to Faber's house in this part of the novel. This is important because it shows you how they come together and start planning things out. Montag is trying to remember because he has to give his book to Beatty, the fire marshall, and he has the last Bible known to …show more content…

Faber tells him where to go and how to get there. He then gives Montag a suitcase full of his stuff to throw off the hounds sent. Montag gets away, but the city leaders make the citizens think otherwise. And an innocent man loses his life.
The main theme throughout this novel is, society and survival. The society has a law against reading books and Montag knows of this law before he ever starts taking books for himself. “‘That's against the law!”’(5). Later on is the novel Montag is given a flame thrower and forced to burn his own home. This makes him very angry and things get out of hand. “‘Why,”’ Montag said slowly, “‘we’ve stopped at my house”’(106). To survive, Montag has to get away from the city. He takes the river to escape the hound and the search crew.
It was good that Montag went to Faber to gets some help instead of doing things on his own. I hate that Clarisse was killed for knowing too much, asking questions, and making Montag think. I have learned that books are very important in everyday life. The history of our world is kept in books. Books help you imagination grow and help you form opinions based on your own thoughts. Faber says that, “‘Books themselves are not the key to happiness.”’(79). But, “‘Leisure, quality, and the right to carry out actions based on what you are reading”’(80). Is crucial to

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