
Examples Of Metaphors In The House On Mango Street

Good Essays

These are the seven metaphors in The house on Mango Street I found the most effective. “It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath,” page 4. By personifying the house and describing it as holding its breath, it gives you an idea on how cramped it was. “Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor,” page 9. Esperanza is lonely because she doesn’t have a best friend and feels like she’s tied down by her siblings. “At school they say my name funny as if the syllables were made of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth,” page 11. This describes the struggle of having a foreign sounding name in the United States that most people can’t pronounce. “It’s like all of a sudden he let go a million moths all over the dusty furniture and swan-neck shadows and in our bones,” page 20. This describes how music can feel bigger than sound and you can …show more content…

She says they are skinny but were strong enough to grow through the concrete. Esperanza believes her strength is also hidden but is still there. I liked this chapter because of the metaphor between her and the trees. I also liked that somethings seemingly small like four trees could have an impact on how Esperanza thinks. These trees have no purpose except to be what they are. Esperanza feels the same way about herself. My final favorite chapter is “bums in the attic.” Esperanza talks about visiting the nicer houses on Sundays with her family. She eventually stops doing this because she doesn’t want to look at things she doesn’t have. She says she wants a house like those when she gets older, but she doesn’t want to forget the people living in worse conditions. She wants to let bums sleep in the attic if they have no where else to stay. I like this because it shows how she doesn’t want to forget where she came from and wants to be

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