
Examples Of Mcmurphy In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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In the classic novel, “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, by Ken Kesey, the character of Randle McMurphy is portrayed as a Christ figure. This is shown through multiple acts done by him and around him. One aspect of McMurphy that makes him a Christ-figure is his overall attitude and demeanor when he enters the ward for the first time. Another way McMurphy is shown as a Christ-figure is when he goes on the fishing trip with 12 of his now closest friends. A third way McMurphy is shown as a Christ-figure is when he has a last meal with all his friends before he dies. The final way McMurphy is shown as a Christ-figure is in his final sacrifice for the idea of rebellion. The first of these instances is when he comes into the ward bringing joy and rebellion against the oppressive power of Nurse Ratched. This is shown through Chief Bromden saying, “He stands there waiting, and when nobody makes a move to say anything, he commences to laugh. But it’s not the way that Public Relations laughs, it’s free and loud. I realize all of a sudden, it’s the first laugh I’ve heard in years.” …show more content…

“Only at the last—after he'd smashed through that glass door, her face swinging around, with terror forever ruining any other look she might ever try to use again, screaming when he grabbed for her…doctors and supervisors and nurses prying those heavy red fingers out of the white flesh of her throat as if they were her neck bones.” This was McMurphy’s final outburst of anger at the nurse and at oppression, but just as in the bible oppression won at first, “And one morning, after McMurphy'd been gone three weeks, she made her last play. The ward door opened, and the black boys wheeled in this Gurney with a chart at the bottom that said in heavy black letters, MCMURPHY, RANDLE P. POST-OPERATIVE. And below this was written in ink, LOBOTOMY.” McMurphy was lobotomized, just as Jesus was

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