
Examples Of Masculinity In Macbeth

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The play, Macbeth, by Shakespeare was a riveting tale about a man so drawn to the power he was promised in a prophecy that he became a murderer. A common theme in this play is the idea of masculinity and how it proves that a person is strong and important. One famous show of masculinity was that of Lady Macbeth: “Come, you spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/ Of direst cruelty” (Shakespeare 1:5:47-50). When Lady Macbeth was saying this, she was desiring the strength she needed to murder. It was believed that the strength she wished for could be gained through masculinity by “unsexing” herself. Another example of masculinity from Lady Macbeth was when Macbeth said, “Bring forth

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