
Examples Of Marxism In The Great Gatsby

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Money Turns the World: F. Scott Fitzgerald “ The great Gatsby” and Marxist Theory Marxist theory surrounds every decision and event that takes place in our lives whether we want it there or not. Sadly, money is what makes our world go around. Therefore, making Marxism “the base of superstructure of social/political/ideological realities” (marxist criticism). Where the gain and loss of economical power is the direct influence on people's actions in social and political situations. F. Scott Fitzgerald in “The Great Gatsby” uses direct correlation to marxist ideology, capitalizing on the powerful effects of big business and how it controls our worlds social situations and politics, through the examples of division of social classes, the commodification of characters in the novel, as well as the separation of new money individuals and old money individuals. Marxist theory will forever play a …show more content…

Marxist theory supports classification of people regarding their income and items they posses. Referring to “The Great Gatsby” we can make constant connection to the vast difference between characters social classes. The setting of “The Great Gatsby” indicates characters social statues. There are three areas of the setting East Egg, West Egg, and Valley of Ashes, oddly we can divide each area into economic class. Depending on the residence living in these areas. For example, the beginning of chapter 2 we are introduced to the valley of Ashes, where we can infer that it's occupied by a poor class of proletariat individuals. “Occasionally a line of

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