
Examples Of Manhood In Macbeth

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“A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles, dangers, and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.” (John F. Kennedy 1956) The values of manhood have evolved over time. They have shaped the common man that women may (or may not) love today. Manhood used to be defined as a man who held a lot of power and could provide for his family, but now we see men much different. Although you do not have to rule a kingdom to be a man, men are expected to show no emotion and to show control among their significant other. Good men have qualities like ambition and selflessness. Macbeth somewhat shows my views throughout the book, but also refutes them in some ways such as killing Banquo so his sons will not be heirs to the throne. …show more content…

In Act 3, Lady asks Macbeth “Are you a man?” She asks this because Macbeth claims to see the ghost of Banquo and reacts with much horror. Lady continues questioning Macbeth’s manhood by saying, “This is the very painting of your fear… When all’s done, you look but on a stool.” At this point, Macbeth feels guilty for killing Banquo because of his desire to be King. Lady is telling Macbeth that he imagining things because he is scared and he looks insane because no one else sees the ghost. This is different from the norms of manhood today because men are expected to be emotionally stable while women are the ones expected to be the loose

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