
Examples Of Love In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Visions of Love Love comes in many different forms. Shakespeare has a way of making his audience feel many forms of this through watching or reading his plays. Shakespeare has a way of subtly adding different types of viewpoints of love between his characters. The three that I believe are the most prominent portrayals of love in the play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” are forced love, romantic love, and familiar love. Individuals have their own vision of what love is and much of it is driven by what we are feeling. Forced love is common in Shakespearean plays (Charney 2001). Throughout history, it is common to find stories of forced love. Among certain cultures it is still common today. Thousands of marriages were documented in recent years …show more content…

He sees Helena and Demetrius in the woods and does what he feels will help Helena. He sees the passion behind Helena and her love. Helena feels romantic love for Demetrius, even though those feelings are not reciprocated. “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” (Shakespeare, 1959). This quote describes the feelings of love being of the mind and soul. She states that cupid is blind because there is a feeling that you do not get to choose who you fall in love with. Helena loves Demetrius and does not care that he does not feel the same. She longs for him and will do what it takes to win his love in return. Even if it means betraying her friendship to Hermia. Hermia and Lysander feel romantic love for one another as well. They feel a passionate enough about their love that they will betray her father and run away for it. Romantic love can make you do crazy …show more content…

Sometimes it changes with different perspectives. Oberon changed his perspective when he saw things did not work out the way he had planned. Theseus changed his perspective when he found that Helena and Demetrius were in love and there was no need to kill Hermia. Love can be tragic, obsessive, and manipulative. Love can also be romantic, passionate, and unconditional. Shakespeare knows how to bring all forms of love for us to see. He creates new perspectives and creates a connection and a feeling of understanding for the characters and what they are feeling. Good or bad love, it is better to feel love than nothing at

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