
Examples Of Literary Device In Beowulf

Satisfactory Essays

1. Find an example of a literary device and write the example. Be sure to label what device it is and explain how your example fits the description.

"That I, alone and with the help of my men, may purge all evil from this hall"(165-166). As you can see, this sentence uses the literary device assonance. Assonance is when a vowel is repeated anywhere in a sentence. I think the usage of the letter "e" is very powerful leading up to the word "evil". Beowulf and his men are fighting Grendel, a very powerful and evil monster. I think highlighting the letter "e" really emphasizes what Grendel is and what Beowulf will do, which is purge all of the evil that has taken over Herot.

2. Choose one character and describe what they are like, using at least one piece of evidence from the text. …show more content…

Beowulf is also a very brave and courageous warrior. "Heard how Grendel filled nights with horror And quickly commanded a boat fitted out..." (112-113). After hearing the news of how Grendel is terrorizing the people of Herot, instead of running from the danger, Beowulf decides to take on the monster head on. Grendel has been chasing people away for years now, striking fear into the people, but not Beowulf. Beowulf is up to the challenge and is ready to face this evil

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