
Examples Of Liberal Bias In The Media

Decent Essays

Liberal Bias within the Media
A liberal is a person that believes that the government should provide equality for all, while a conservative is a person that believes in limited government and that the government should provide the necessary freedom for people to pursue their own goals. Over time, it has been argued, mostly by conservatives, that there is a liberal bias in the media. Liberals have combated this idea with the belief that conservative media is devoted to making efforts to invoke fear and division in the general public. Though liberals make a fine counter-argument, it is easier to observe that the media is liberal-biased. The liberal versus conservative debate can be compared to facts versus values. Another reason for bias within the media is that a significant percentage of minorities, or smaller groups within the population that are often thought to be poorer, politically identify themselves as liberals. To make these minorities feel like the government is on their side as well as everyone else’s, the media must accommodate the needs of these minorities. Because of this, the media becomes liberal-biased.
Facts versus values are the ideas that liberals and conservatives use to base their opinions on what should happen within the government and is the sole purpose for the liberal bias within the media. The media, as well as liberals, rely on the factual reality of what is happening rather than personal beliefs, and therefore the media appears to be

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