
Examples Of Learned Helplessness

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Since childhood Sandra had experienced numerous difficulties in her life, began by her father who was continuously abusing her in different ways, his actions had developed a sense of helplessness inside of her that stayed with her for many years to follow at the age of 22 Sandra got married to her husband who at first seemed to be a man of well manners, but it was proven later on that he was completely the opposite of her expectations, besides he had also created an abusive unhealthy environment for her which has further increased her level of helplessness. ‘’Learned helplessness is defined as the inability to take control over one’s life due to a previous lack of control in important life outcomes’’(manyu li ,vaishali mardhekar,alka wadkar may 1 2012 ) ‘’ The Learned helplessness phenomenon is proposed as a model for the emotional numbing and maladaptive passivity sometimes following victimization’’ . Victims suffering in certain situation assume that there is no freedom from their situation of being victimized …show more content…

A person should have enough will power to quite an activity or walk away from a situation which puts them under stress or gives them depression. A state of mind which stops them from rescuing themselves is known as learned helplessness . It could make a person have a perspective that they no control or power to change their current stressful situation to a better situation (bronwyn harris 9 oct 2014) Some people use the mechanism of learned helplessness to deal with painful situations. For example a child who is been abused by their guardian and a partner who is been abused by their other half will adapt the behavior of being submissive and accommodating to their abuser’s behaviour ,as they feel that they cannot fight with the situation and escaping from it is impossible.(bronwyn harris 9 oct

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