
Examples Of Justice In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein is a famous novel which written by English author Mary Shelley. This novel is about Dr. Frankenstein, a scientist, created a new creature from different dead bodies. After reading this excerpt novel, I discovered that there are three points I gained from, there are irresponsibility of human, justice in this world, and the victims of revenge. First of all, when I first read this novel I found that there is irresponsibility of human on it. Dr. Frankenstein who created a monster from dead bodies left him to be alone in the wood because he afraid of monster’s terrible appearance. That creature just awoke from dead and he knew nothing like a baby, how can he forsake him alone. Moreover, he invented that monster, it was his accountability to take care and teach him how to live. Letting the monster wandered in the wood alone, it was an irresponsible. At this point, you can see the true story which is similar to this shot. For example, the news reported that lots of babies were abandoned in the trash or some dangerous places. This indicated that human has no responsibility from what they have done to those babies who were innocent. If they were not ready to raise them, they should prevent the pregnancy. It would be good …show more content…

Is there justice in this world? That is curious. From one part of the story, the monster rescued a girl who slipped and fell into rapid stream, but what he deserved was a wound from the gun which fired by a man who fellow the girl. The man did not ask anything because he thought that dreadful creature hurt the girl, although the truth was he saved her life. It was not fair for him to be shot by doing none mistake. It is like the recent case that a scalpel goat, female teacher who was jailed 1 year 6 months by charged with driving crash dead, but she was not an offender. This cruel thing made her family afflicted, besides, her son was uneducated. Who will respond from this

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