
Examples Of John Proctor Injustice In The Crucible

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“Each time a man stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”(Robert Vienndy) The witch trials had just begun in Salem and several people were trying to fight against the trials but John Proctor fights injustice most effectively in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. John Proctor, a man with a blackened secret exposes himself to save the women he loved showing his honesty to the town of Salem. At the end of the play after Elizabeth Proctor is accused, John goes into the court with Mary Warren in hopes to prove his wife's innocence. He knows he must tell the truth and b doing so he puts himself on the line in court “trembling, his life collapsing about him: I have known her, sir. I have known her(Miller 102).” Proctor just confessed to lechery which during the time of the witch trials was even more frowned upon then now. By doing this his name would be blackened and ruined but by doing this he was showing the truth about the trials, the truth that Abigail …show more content…

John at one point in the play became so frustrated with the court that he says “God is dead.”(111) Saying such a thing during the time of the trials in a Puritan community was nearly unheard of but what John was implying was that the people of Salem had lost touch with God in the foolishness of continuing the witch trials. While fighting injustice by using Mary Warren he says “Mary, God damns all liars.”(108) After making Abby confess to the court to multiple events leading up to, and causing the witch trials Mary is convinced to back out of her previous claim of truth and went back to lies, trying to convince her to once again back him up he says this and even though at that point his claim had nearly dissolved in front of the court he refused to let the court win without a

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