
Examples Of John Locke Flaws

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John Locke Theory’s Prominence and Flaws
John Locke’s social construct, which is inherently based on the The Law of Nature, bestowed by God, assuring humans with the right of health, liberty and property, is undoubtedly flawed to some extent in which specific aspects of such can be exploited to justify wrongful doings. Given that Locke forms that the human state of nature is one of relative peace, in which each person is inherently moral trough universal religious affiliation, and whom follow their bidding without interference, in regard to the rights bound by the law of nature, and the constant tendency for humans to develop disputes amongst these natural rights, specifically that of property, the attraction of swaying away from a state of nature is in part to maintain one’s property safe and equal. This is an important factor in Locke’s theory as it is what disputes the choice of staying in a peaceful state of nature in the menace of possible war and danger. Locke’s describes private property as a person’s labor mixed with nature's resources. Seen as an example in a farmer cultivating a plot of land for his own sustenance and the qualification of that farmland as private property through his labor. Given that nature is given to us by God for humans as an equal source of resources, it is then enforced to to distill only one’s need from nature as it is limited to personal equality across religious mandate. This is an important guideline that quantifies measurements to

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