
Examples Of Intentions In The Other Wes Moore

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that an intention is “a determination to act a certain way” ( Each and every human being living in this world has intentions. Every day we set out to act and accomplish things in a certain way. These intentions, however, are merely for the benefit of our own minds. They are little more than the thoughts that one possesses about what the intend to do with their lives. Just because you set out with good intentions does not mean the ending result will be positive, and the same goes for bad intentions. The Other Wes Moore uncovers the lives of two boys, later men, who have to face the decision to uphold their intentions or move past them. The story helps to uncover that intentions …show more content…

Everyone can take this and apply it to their own personal lives. As a reader, I feel as though my ideas about intentions seemed to be challenged. I often try to hold the attitude that my intentions are what I will set out to accomplish. If my mind is set on something, I want to reach that goal and feel like I did everything I intended to do. Yet, both lives of each Wes Moore seemed to completely challenge my views on intentions. Wes Moore, the Rhodes Scholar ended up paving his way into a journey that far surpassed any of the intentions he held as a young boy. “I realized the journey I took was never mine alone either” (171). Wes opened his mind up to giving up on his intentions. He joined in on the journey of his life and let others help him and open up new opportunities for him that far surpassed any thing he could have ever hoped to intend to do. Had Wes never opened up his mind to the possibility that he could be so much more than he intended to be, the world may have lost a great man. One who defied the odds of the circumstances he was handed. While Wes Moore the armed robber failed to uphold any of the intentions he had as a young boy. “Wes has spent every day of his life since 2000 in the Jessup Correctional Institution” (173). That was never his goal in life. Wes Moore never set out to become a drug dealer and convicted felon. In such an opposite way than the man he shares his name with, if he had never lost sight of his intentions, the world may have gained another great success story. To me, this idea of just losing sight of your intentions seems to be delusional, irresponsible, and nearly impossible. Both lives of each Wes Moore created a conflict in my own mind. On one hand, it made it amazing to believe I could accomplish so much more than just what I intend to do. It makes it feel as though the world really has no true limitations. While on the other end, it

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