
Examples Of Injustice In Frederick Douglass

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Can you imagine living a life filled with hunger, abuse, and injustice with an almost impossible chance of escaping? In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass writes about his life and experiences as a slave in the 1800's. With this book, Douglass attempts to change his reader's beliefs about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea that "All men are created equal" by revealing the injustices and awful living conditions found in slavery.

To start with, one point Douglass writes about to try to change his readers' understanding is that there were many injustices to slavery. An example of how he shows this is when he talks about Colonel Lloyd and how he treated the slaves that took care of his horses. Douglass states," Everything depended upon the looks of the horses …show more content…

If a horse did not move fast enough or hold its head high enough, it was owing to some fault of his keepers,"(Douglass, chapter 3, paragraph 3). What this evidence shows is that the Colonel's slaves were blamed and punished whenever he felt there was something the horse was not doing correctly. His slaves are blamed for this despite the fact that no one has any control over the horses' behavior. Unfortunately, no one justified this due to the fact that these slaves were considered to be nothing more but pieces of property. A second example Douglass gives to change his reader's beliefs is when he tells his readers about the murder of Colonel Lloyd's slave at the hands of Mr. Beal. In the text, Douglass states," At this trespass, Mr. Beal tool offence, and with his musket came down to the shore and

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