
Examples Of Inhumanity In A Tale Of Two Cities

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Man’s Inhumanity Against Man in the Name of Revenge The French Revolution was a time of great violence and fighting that took place in the late 18th century. A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens and published in 1859, is a story set in both England and France during the French Revolution. In this time, man often turned against man, which led to great harm and horrors among the people of France. The people of this time period committed these sins with little or no remorse while typically thinking that their actions were righteous acts of revenge. Throughout the novel, the idea of man’s inhumanity towards another man, in the name of revenge, is developed through the characters of Gaspard when he kills Monsieur the Marquis, the peasants …show more content…

Dickens writes, “‘I smite… as I smite it now, and I tell him, ‘Defarge… that peasant family so injured by the two Evremonde brothers… that sister… was my sister, that husband was my sister’s husband, that unborn child was their child, that brother was my brother… those dead are my dead, and that summons to answer for those things descends to me!’’” (264). This describes the sins of the Evremonde brothers, including how they raped Madame Defarge’s sister, killed her brother, and killed her brother-in-law. This also shows how Madame Defarge believes that it is her right to eradicate the Evremonde line. Dickens later says, “‘ See you,’ said madame, ‘I care nothing for this doctor, I… But, the Evremonde people are to be exterminated, and the wife and child must follow the husband and father’” (279). This explains how Madame Defarge plans to kill the rest of Charles’ family and not Charles alone. She plans this because Charles is the son of one of the Evremonde brothers. Dickens lastly proclaims, “‘She will now be at home, awaiting the moment of mind to impeach the justice of the Republic. She will be full of sympathy with its enemies’” (280). This elaborates how Madame Defarge plans to condemn Lucie because she knows that Lucie will be mourning. This also describes how Madame Defarge has her revenge planned

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