
Examples Of Imperialism

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“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
This is the famous quote by President Roosevelt in 1933, during his inaugural address to the nation. He was trying to convince the people that the impact of fear can be minimised by focussing on a positive future where fear was overcome with positive thinking and belief in society.

Fear is an indispensable emotion that we all possess. It is not something new. It is rational and is directed at ‘real’ things in the world. Fears are always changing through different eras of time, but some still remain the same through the course of history. It has marked societies when facing plagues or wars, and many believe that the world is a more dangerous place today than it ever has been. The fears …show more content…

It has always been considered morally wrong, as it main purpose is to create an empire by increasing its dominance, but not with any necessary intention of permanently settling there. Imperialism is usually state policy driven from the top down, and is devised for ideological and financial reasons, and usually involves ruling from a distant place.
Imperialism has become rarer in the western world since WW2. Examples of imperialism include the Hitler and German empire in WW2, Alexandra the Great and the Greeks, the USA in the Vietnam War and the Philippines, Caesar and the Roman Empire, Napoleon and the French and the Japanese & Russian empires. These examples unfortunately have all had negative effects on the ‘invaded’ country, and also the invaders themselves.

Both imperialism and colonialism have shaped civilizations for most of recorded history. Imperialism includes a form of colonialism, but colonialism does not imply imperialism, as it lacks the political/military component. It would instil great fear into a minority race to be ruled over by a more powerful one. The future would be uncertain for these people, as in the past, the practice of eradication has been …show more content…

Colonel Quaritch states, “We’ll fight terror with terror” in order to achieve his goal. Greed for the valuable minerals of the land blinded the disrespect shown for the people who actually lived there in trying to exterminate them. Even though Aliens did not quite fit this theme as no one was trying to pillage the land of valuables, it should be remember that the Aliens were indigenous to the planet LV-426, and were only protecting themselves when they felt threatened. In the end it was a matter of survival for the human crew who were in fear of the Aliens. Motherly protection came into play for both Ripley (protecting Newt) and the Queen Alien (protecting her

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