
Examples Of Humorous Wedding Speech By Dr. Joseph Umidi

Decent Essays

I am pleased to announce that we have the definite date, time and place to celebrate Dr. Joseph Umidi’s 70th birthday as well as honoring him with our book presentation. It will be on June 24, 2017, 4pm at Regent Auditorium at Regent University, Virginia Beach. Marie, Dr. Umidi’s beloved wife will be sending out invitations and details of the event later on. Thank you once again for your time and willingness to honor Dr. Joseph Umidi (Joe or Joseph to some of us) with your narratives. The deadline for submission approaches, March 30, 2017 (please email me if you need extension). As you write your narrative please bear in mind that it is your story- a story that will inspire your family, friends, colleagues, your congregation, organization,

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