
Examples Of Hubris In The Odyssey

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Hubris is seen under a bad connotation due to the fact that sensitive people with fragile egos are characterized to have hubris. People fail to realize that the hubris they are labeling is masked with insecurity. It is understandable that they have similar characteristics to the untrained eye. Though what people do not realize is that when you have hubris, you are completely secure in yourself. Meaning that being wrong once does not kill your confidence. Which is crucial in order to stand a chance against the dream crushing titan that is society. As a matter of fact, hubris has led to the success of numerous people throughout history. For example, Odysseus from Homer's The Odyssey and Catherine the Great of Russia. It’s apparent that Odysseus had hubris throughout the entirety of The Odyssey. Though it is overlooked that it has benefited him positively and contributed to his success. Odysseus states,“My name is Nobody...”(Homer 9.4-10). By Odysseus telling the Cyclops this, you can infer that he was confident in his plan. If Odysseus wasn’t as confident in his plan, he most likely wouldn’t have executed the plan correctly. He instead would have accepted his fate in death and the fate of his crew's deaths. Though thankfully he did in fact have hubris so he was able to execute his plan and succeed in not only saving his life, but also that of his crew. …show more content…

Such as Adolf Hitler, who often displayed heavy signs of hubris that ended up paying for his life. Which is unarguably incorrect. Another notable clear case that hubris led to success, not only for the people but even for the people around them is Catherine the Great of Russia. Catherine the Great is well renowned as one of the most extraordinary and most effective monarchs of Russia. Regardless of the fact that she was a female monarch during a period that oppressed women insanely & set every factor against them. Her

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