
Examples Of Hospitality In The Odyssey

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Hospitality Throughout The Odyssey Throughout The Odyssey, there are many different themes that are extremely significant. The reader seems to learn about each character through specific themes that pertain to that character’s journey throughout the story. Hospitality is one of the strongest and most prevalent themes that Homer portrays in The Odyssey. Homer includes both positive and negative interpretations of hospitality in The Odyssey and gives many examples of how each one can shape characters, storylines, and outcomes. One example of a positive show of hospitality is the way Telemachus treats Athena in Book 1. When Athena arrives, Telemachus immediately welcomes her inside, invites her to his feast, and sits her on a throne. Telemachus and Athena then begin to feast. While they eat, Telemachus decides to ask Athena about his father. He says, “Dear guest, will this offend you, if I speak?” (426). Telemachus obviously was very warm and welcoming to Athena, and he doesn’t want to hurt her, but some readers could suspect that there is a little bit of an ulterior motive in the back of his mind. If Telemachus is exceptionally nice to Athena, then she may tell him about his father. It is hard to tell if Telemachus was being genuine, or if he just wanted to know about his father, but I believe that he genuinely welcomed …show more content…

In Book 10 when the shipmen journey to the hall of Kirkê, she leads the men into her home, but Eurylokhos stays behind because he fears that her invitation is not genuine. As the other shipmen go inside, they all of a sudden vanish. Eyrylokhos runs back to Odysseus and tells him that Kirkê used foul magic to doom the other men. This is an example of negative hospitality because Kirkê made the men disappear. She deceived them with her beautiful song and invited them in knowing that she would not let them go. If Eurylokhos had not been suspicious, Kirkê also would have captured

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