
Examples Of Happiness In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Morgan Laplante
Mrs. Rhodes
Pre-AP English 10
13 February 2016
Happiness Is Not This One person’s happiness is completely different than that of the person next to them. In Fahrenheit 451, society is given the idea that happiness is found in the fast life. Students crash cars, crack windows, and drive recklessly for fun. Schooling in this society isn’t even in the realm of learning. Instead, it is filled with sports, electronics, and everything but learning. Death is a quick cremation instead of funerals and mourning. Adults not only have poor relationships with their spouses, but their children. Yet, this to them, is happiness. Even to Montag, this was happiness; until he discovered it wasn’t. He was one of the lucky few that was able to escape the vacuum of this new society, like Ted in The Lorax. In a world of people that don’t care about the wellbeing of the animals, the trees, or the rest of the world, Ted took a step out of the norm. This …show more content…

“From the Intimate Lyrics,” shows a woman crying, but her tears are words from a book. This represents what happened to Montag when he began to read the books and look into the subjects of happiness versus unhappiness. The books open up a door to a realm of feeling and thought for Montag. The woman in Furtado’s piece of art, is crying because of something she read. She too, is feeling from this new realm of words. Both works push through the idea that books show a different world to the reader. To both the woman and Montag, it showed them that what they thought was truth and happiness, wasn’t. Montag loses his wife and job to trying to find happiness, chance society, and protect the books. The woman loses her happiness over what was read to her, hence her crying. From Montag’s journey and the meaning behind “The Intimate Lyrics,” a reader could gather, that books and words written or said can indeed reveal their deepest

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