
Examples Of Greed In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Consumption Of Greed in The “American Dream” Fitzgerald's critique of the American Dream shows how wealth and image lead to greed. Throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald's writing highlights the dangers and consequences of chasing money, wealth, and image no matter the cost. Throughout the story, the relationship between wealth and greed is shown frequently. Characters like Jay Gatsby, Tom, and Daisy can be seen as examples of being unhappy and unfulfilled with their lives due to their greed which consequently leads to the manipulation of their American Dream. In the story, Jay Gatsby's display of a collection of shirts is an example of his greed. Gatsby has an obsession with his wealth and material possessions. By showing off his …show more content…

He tries to impress her with his material possessions as a way to also show off his image. This shows his belief that his material possessions can be used to gain acceptance and love. These characters can also be seen as being consumed by materialism. It does not matter if it is good or bad. Whenever they become corrupt with the thought of material things, they forget about the true necessities of life, that is genuine relationships. “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. ” (Pg. 180). The syllable of the syllable. In this quote, it shows Gatsby's relentless pursuit of wealth and success. This also shows his desire for a future filled with material items and a better image. Gatsby finds that these goals are continually slipping away. Gatsby's relentless pursuit and inability to let go of his past demonstrates his greed, as he is consumed by wealth and image, even if it costs him happiness and his own

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