
Examples Of Friar Is At Fault In Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Lawrence is at Fault True love is when the two people in the couple put their lives out for each other. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, two kinds of people from families that hate each other, fall in love and are willing to take any sacrifice to live happily with each other, but in the story it's easier said than done. My argument is that Friar Lawrence was responsible for Romeo's and Juliet's death. For my first reason on why Friar Lawrence is at fault for Juliet's death is when he gave her the potion. To me that is very irresponsible and so this quote will prove it. "Take thou this vial, being then in bed" (Act 4, Scene 1, 96). This quote demonstrates how Friar Lawrence is telling Juliet to take the potion which …show more content…

There is a lot of reasons to prove this statement to be true. First reason for Friar being at fault for Juliet’s death is when he gave her the potion. That was a mistake because she took the potion without Romeo knowing. So Romeo killed himself and Juliet ended up stabbing herself because of Romeo’s death. Second for friar being at fault for Romeo’s death is that Friar didn't get the letter of the plan off to Romeo in time. The letter said that Juliet will fake her death. Which ended up being bad because when Juliet took the potion, Romeo actually thought she was dead. Then Romeo ended up killing himself because he thought Juliet was dead all because Friar didn't get the letter in time. Last reason for Friar being at fault once again for Juliet’s death is that he basically watched Juliet kill herself. As Juliet is crying because her love Romeo died she decided to stab herself. Friar happened to be there and let it all happen. That reason is as narrow as you can get for Friar being at fault. With all these reasons I have provided, I can now say Friar was the reason for both Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. If you happen to disagree may I ask for your reasonings? Because I have provided

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