
Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Monkey's Paw

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The “Monkey's Paw”

In the story “TheMonkey’sPaw”, the foreshadowing creates tension and suspense.Which changes the meaning of the story. It also changes the conflict and mainly the perspective of the story.The most suspenseful dialogue said in the story was "The first man had his three wishes I don't know what the first two were, but the third was for death.”That's how I got the paw. This type of foreshadowing creates tension and suspense. If you had 3 wishes why would it be death. This shows that there is a twist in the story. The thing that you wish for you will get it but in a painful way. It may bring you to much pain which cannot be handled. Maybe that's why death was asked as a wish. The first two wishes brought pain which was not bearable …show more content…

This foreshadowing is saying that Mr, White has seen something fatal like this before. This foreshadowing occurs later in the story. They wish for 200 pounds of money so they can pay off the mortgage.They got the money but in a painful way. Which was that their son died in the factory. The company gave them 200 pounds of money. This creates suspense and tension.In the beginning of the story, the first owner of the paw killed himself. The pain was to much to bear. This also changed the perspective of the story.They think it is good, but it proves them that it is not.The suspense is that what will the parents do to get their son.Also, it creates tension the readers are worried about the son. Will he come back alive or not.The next foreshadowing was “The talisman was in its place, and a horrible fear that the unspoken wish might bring.”This foreshadowing is saying that. Something bad will happen which creates suspense. The readers don't know what will happen. Will the son come back or not. At the same time it's also tension. If he does come back will he be the same or will he be different.In conclusion in the story “The Monkey's Paw, the foreshadowing creates suspense and tension. Which makes the conflict and

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