
Examples Of Flaws In The Crucible

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Flaws in Human Reasoning Create a Tragic Figure One tragedy is a result of numerous conflicts and wrongdoings. In Arthur Miller’s stunning play, The Crucible, a primary character named John Proctor has an affair with a young woman named Abigail Williams. Throughout the play, it is evident that John Proctor is a tragic figure due to the fact that he commits adultery, is unable to tell right from wrong, and betrays Salem in multiple ways. John Proctor’s affair with Abigail Williams illustrates his betrayal towards Elizabeth Proctor, his wife. In Salem, a small town in Massachusetts, when an individual has an affair while being married it is known as adultery. Even though Abigail’s determination for Proctor is somewhat to blame, Proctor should not have been disloyal towards his wife. Near the final act of the play, Elizabeth states that “[she] never knew how [she] should say [her] love [towards John Proctor]” (Miller, 137). This statement by Elizabeth proves that she was not candid with Proctor about how she felt for …show more content…

He seemingly says what is on his mind, and is at first well respected for it. Swiftly, Proctor loses his single, most prominent characteristic – his morale/admiration. Having to embrace his wrongdoing is challenging for Proctor. He quickly becomes viewed around town as the man who is not loyal. Proctor’s unwillingness to sacrifice his life and show any devotion towards God furthermore hurts him, as displayed in the following line: “A man may think God sleeps, but God sees everything, I know it now…God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat” (Miller, 110). Proctor, who is now desperate to put Abigail away, is begging for the help of God after he never believed in God. If John Proctor avoids making simple mistakes and follows the normal routines of others in town, he would save himself from heaps of

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