
Examples Of Figurative Language In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Tah’jai Graves
Mr. Weber
Ap Language
26 January 2016
Their eyes were watching God Zora Neale Hurston used elements of folk culture as well as figurative language to create a sense of a community, delineate character, and create atmosphere in her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. She used these tools to her advantage to draw the reader in to believe that they were not just reading the book, but actually experiencing the book as the story progressed, such as if you were in the book with the characters, speaking their dialect. By doing this Hurston created af feel that few stories of capable of doing. Using symbolism, personification and metaphors an abundance of times in her novel they are very easy to identify. The way she used these occurrences …show more content…

Hurston makes practice of figurative language linked to nature to discuss her ideas because it is current in the critical focuses of her book and it picks with the individual's state of mind, and situations. It is noticeable in the character's mindset, for instance Nanny talks about the slaves and how they were “branches without roots”(Hurston 16) to indicate how out of place she is feeling at that moment in time. One more case is when the residents of the town spoke on the way they honored Joe Starks’ rule, by speaking the words that I personally won't forget: “he’s de wind and we’se de grass” (Hurston 49). Both cases showcased a gloomy form of noticing themselves as human beings without a true “sound”, no more worth to them, no more might. With the many negative cases in the book there's still many positive ones as well, like when Janie had left Logan to marry Joe. Hurston shows her hope of love and achievements through it by stating “now on until death she was going to have flower dust and springtime sprinkled over everything” (Hurston 32). Even more so Hurston utilizes the the seasons to perfection. To show the mindset of the character and clump them with hope, fertility, barren, or blooming, through “wintertime,” “summertime,” and “springtime

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