
Examples Of Figurative Language In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Decent Essays

Zora Neale Hurston is the author of Their Eyes Were Watching God. It tells the story of a young Janie Crawford who goes through life experiencing several different roller coasters of emotions, three of marriages, and the journey of discovering who she is as a woman. A lot of Janie’s story is told by elaborating on the transcendentalist aspects of her life. Throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston expresses a lot of transcendentalist views by developing the characters, plot, setting, and figurative language. By doing so Hurston elaborates on the five tenets: Nature is God, God is all around us and inside of us, Intuition/Self Reliance/Idealism, Strive for simplicity, and Live in the moment. The first tenet is known as Nature is God, which states that we should live close to nature, for nature is our greatest teacher. Understanding nature’s language and lessons can bring us closer to God. This tenet was expressed early on in the book when it was stated that, “Janie saw her …show more content…

Advances in technology only end up complicating our lives more. On page 116 Janie left her luxurious life in Eatonville to go and live with Tea Cake. At this point in the story Janie’s character revealed that she would much rather be in love and live a simplistic life without the pressure of having to be “Mrs. Mayor” of Eatonville. She was happier that way. On pages 122 and 123 Tea Cake learned the true meaning behind this tenet. He spent all of Janie’s hidden money to throw a huge party for the towns people and to buy a guitar. However, at the end of it all he discovered that it did not make him happy. It was fun for the moment, but once it was all said and done with he realized that all he wanted was to be with Janie. In this sense the Strive for simplicity tenet seemed to take form in his

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