
Examples Of Figurative Language In Romeo And Juliet

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Can you deal with the pressure of having to hate the person you love? Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers, born into two families that despised each other. They faced trials and tribulations throughout their journey, yet they stayed true to themselves and each other. They were torn between love and hate. The theme of Love vs Hate in Romeo and Juliet is supported by light and dark through figurative language, word choice and symbolism. Figurative language is shown throughout the story to highlight the main themes such as love, death and hate. Romeo and Juliet is centered around light and dark since both love and hate takes place throughout the story. For example “O brawling love, O loving hate”. Act 1, scene 1, line 170. In this quote …show more content…

For instance, Romeo compares Juliet to the sun. “What light through the yonder window breaks” It is the east and Juliet is the sun”. 1. (Act 2, scene 2, line 5). He implies that Juliet is as bright as the sun and transforms his darkness/ sorrow into light/ happiness. His choice of words tells the reader how Juliet makes his problems float away and how happy she makes him. They also use things of nature to symbolize situations, each other and their love. For example, when Juliet says, “That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet”. (Act 2, scene 2, line 40) Just like in the beginning, the imagery of light and dark symbolizes love and the darkness surrounds their forbidden relationship. Symbolism helps shape the story and get points across to the audience/ readers. Figurative language, word choice, and symbolism all work together to shape the theme of light and dark. Light and dark are shown through love and hate. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is about two star-crossed lovers that were born to despise one another. Despite the fact that they can't be together, they stay together. They died loving each other even though it disappointed their

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