
Examples Of Figurative Language In A Rose For Emily

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The short story, “A Rose For Emily” by William Faulkner, tells of a middle-aged woman named Emily, who struggles to overcome the challenges of isolation in the community she lives in. She might just hold these characteristics, but there is a deeper meaning that Faulkner has given Emily that a great number of people do not discover on their first read. There are countless detailed pieces of figurative language and text that further explain Emily that includes the change of the town, the symbolism of Emily was told from a different perspective that was seen initially. Emily has way more about her, between the lines, that makes this story more interesting. The short story that Faulkner portrays in “A Rose For Emily” illustrates a sense of loneliness …show more content…

One clue is to be suggested and is is that the story is told from the community, suggesting that all of this could be rumors and stories. Faulkner’s short story is already known to be told from the community as there are pronouns to prove this as “we” and “they” are used a great deal amount of times, “This inevitably implies some of the limitations of the first-person narrative, and this again makes it difficult to account for the intimate knowledge and the inside information which the “we” narrator has” (Skei). Since the story is told from a different perspective from Emily, then some or most of the information in the story could be inaccurate. If this examined more closely, this could suggest that Homer’s death could have nothing to do with Emily and could entirely just be made up to scare kids at a campfire. Faulkner first presents this story as seemingly factual, then turning it to be that all of this could have been made up. Showing the hidden layers that Faulkner presents in this short story.
In conclusion, this short story ,“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, is a tale of a woman named Emily who is inevitably consumed by the qualities which make up herself. The qualities of loneliness and desperation are the core of Miss Emily as she demonstrates them through her looks, her actions, and even the family values

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