
Examples Of Femininity In Lady Macbeth

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Lady Macbeth is unlike the women of her time. Her dominant personality and commanding tone differ from the culture of the Renaissance period where a common theme for women was to be seen but not heard. Men thought women were inferior in society, and a multitude of ladies were expected to take on humble occupations with no hope of furthering their education or job position. Leadership and the ability to make decisions concerning life and welfare were left up to the men (Cloud 1). Lady Macbeth challenges this belief in her ambition to be queen and her manipulative tactics to make sure such a goal is accomplished. She asserts her power and does not bind herself to domestic obstacles. This is displayed when Lady Macbeth says, "Come, you spirits, that tend …show more content…

It impresses on her an insanity that ultimately leads to her death. Femininity is not a physical characteristic, but is mental and emotional. In the article, A brief look at Feminism In Shakespeare's Macbeth, by Marison Davis, he explains that "Her weakness is a result of paricharial portrayal of her gender" (1). The Renaissance period believed women to be weak and it is the weakness that returned to kill her. Her fragility is the cause of her inability to complete the deed of killing the king. In the conclusion of the play, the true tragedy is that Lady Macbeth conforms to the standards of the society's view on weakness and takes her own life. The ultimate cause of Lady Macbeth's death was that she was tired of carrying the burden that ambition had given her. (Marison 1). As Lady Macbeth strength is conflicting to society's view, the culture chastises Macbeth for his weakness. On the battlefield, Macbeth exerts optimum masculinity in his actions but quickly shifts to qualities that coincide with a feminine perspective. The same shift occurs in Lady Macbeth as well, but at a slower

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