
Examples Of Evil In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

Decent Essays

Lesson One: Good and Evil.

Good and evil together, this is what the back of Robert Louis Stevenson's book, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde says, it's also what I’ll be writing this essay about today. Throughout the book we see plenty of examples of the dual nature of good and evil. I’ll be giving some of my own examples from the book in my essay.

My first example comes from the first chapter of the book on a dark, quiet street lit only by street lamps. This is where Mr.Enfield witnesses a short man and a little girl collide in the curtain of night. At first it seemed innocent enough but then the man proceed to trample over the little girl and leave her to scream in the street. Mr.Enfield took to his heels, collared the gentlemen, and brought him back to where there was already quite a group about the screaming child. (Stevenson 6) Mr.Enfield could have simply minded his own business and continued home but he chose to be good and catch the man responsible and make him own up to his crimes. Mr.Hyde simply ran the little girl over without a second thought, and that is truly evil. …show more content…

In the book Mr.Utterson goes to Mr.Hyde's house and asks him if he would be so kind as to do him a favor, Mr.Hyde says, “with pleasure.”(Stevenson 18) Therefor he not only compiles but he also does so with a respectful manner. Mr.Hyde could have declined and slammed the door in his face but he chose to be good and do the favor for Mr.Utterson. Moreover Mr.Utterson give a description of Hyde that gives off the impression of evil. He claims that Hyde gives off a murderous mixture of timidity and boldness, and has the feel of deformity even though none is spotted (Stevenson

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