
Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

After considering the information in this week’s instructor guidance and readings, I understand ethos, pathos, and logos to be... Ethos: is used in an argument when the writer would like to appeal to their audience’s ethics. If a reader can see the credibility in the writer’s opinion they are likely to believe their argument. Pathos: is used in an argument when the writer would like to appeal to their audience’s emotion. Pathos is often used to evoke an emotional response from the audience. Logos: is used in an argument when the writer would like to appeal to their audience’s logic. By incorporating facts and logic into an argument, the audience is likely to believe their argument. Revised Thesis Statement: Veterans do a great service for their country and should be …show more content…

Claim #2: Many veterans that get involuntarily separated have the biggest challenges due to not having the benefits they worked for while in the military. Counterargument & Rebuttal: There are many resources that veterans can use to help with the transition process. While there are many helpful resources available for veterans to use many do not have access to them because of their discharge. If there were more resources available to all veterans it would be more beneficial. I developed these claims by... I can up with these claims on my own but once I started doing research my claims became more solid. My first claim is based on the content in my third article of my annotated bibliography. As I continued to do research I found that there are more problems with the support of veterans than I thought. I revised my thesis statement based on... My research and the feedback from the discussions. I revised my thesis statement to better support my argument. After reading the course materials, I have questions about... How should an introduction paragraph be

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