
Frederick Douglass Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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A slave has all the emotion to want freedom, but no common sense or logic to obtain it, nor the advantages in society to reach it. Mr.Douglass uses all three aspects such as Pathos, Logos, Ethos to not only depict the struggle and blindness of slaves, but present the lifestyle of slave and the missed opportunities in front of the so they can realize the difference between what is suppose represent them(The American Promise) then what they really are(the American Individual). Pathos is used by Douglass to express slaves gratitude, anger, and feelings of their turmoil by putting those around him in his book as examples seeking for their american individual to be realized. Secondly, logos is the logic he speaks when clarifying what slaves are missing out on not taking …show more content…

This aspect is not so much for the reader but for Douglass and slaves to release all the things they have been through and what slave are subjected to in that era. Even though this country stands for freedom and liberty slaves are imprisoned and chained like animals or properties. As well as having the knowledge of an animal as said by Douglass “By far the larger part of the slave know little of their ages as horses knows of theirs”. He this is one of his many angers and distastes of how slaves are denied any rights to knowledge. Even more having deepening quotes of groups of slaves having the emotion that stayed in Douglass’s heart and mind forever “ they were tones loud, long, and deep;they breathed the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with the bitterest anguish”. This quote was the exact description that was realized by Douglass of how much they wanted it but could not obtaining it Logos appeals to logic. Logos is used as clarification to the reader of how much slaves are blinded from what’s in front of them for the taking. For example Douglass old master once stated that if slave gets knowledge he will become “ of no value to me” and supposedly harm himself

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