
Examples Of Ethical Issues In 1984

Decent Essays

Lauren Dirig
Mrs. Shrouder
February,12, 2018
1984’s Ethical Issues Have Become Todays Fears.

George Orwell’s novel 1984 as had a lasting impact on the way the government is perceived. The novel has this impact because the corrupt government in the novel presents a laundry list of unethical issues that cause a fear for the government and the idea of Big Brother. An Ethical issue means making a choice based on moral principles, understanding, and knowledge relating to the subject. When this book was released in 1948 these ethical issues used to display the corruption of government made the propele fearful that the government can and would resort to these tactics to control the people. George Orwell was very ahead of his time …show more content…

Once the novel released in 1948 this struck a paranoia or fear in families with televisions in their house, they were genuinely concerned the government could use them to watch what they were doing. This fear has stuck around for ages and has become more of in issue now that some televisions, most computers and phones now have cameras on them. Giving readers more reason to believe that these easily hackable devices. It has recently suspected by conspiracy theorist that the government has used the devices to keep tabs on citizens. This brings up a massive dispute, Is it ethical for the government to use personal devices to watch unknown citizens. No, this is not ethical which is why the the government other doesn't or does not own up to hacking webcams. However anyone can hack a webcam although it is highly unethical. Just like in 1984 anyone can be watched by their devices at anytime making this become a very realistic fear in today's among todave …show more content…

In this novel characters do not dare to even think against Big Brother out of fear of the thought police coming after them and “erasing them” meaning ultimately taking and leaving no trace of their existence. The idea of mind reading seems like a far fetched science fiction reference, however with newly discovered technology the Idea could soon develop into a reality. A new machine with the ability to read and locate which part of the brain a thought come s form have been developed. The machine can't exactly read thoughts like in 1984 but it can still identify feeling such as guilt, happiness, sadness and fear based on where the brain waves come from. This idea is unethical because it is a human right to own and have one's own thoughts and feelings as well as the rights to them. However the human rights acts state the device can only be used with consent. This however is a rational fear, science and technology are advancing and have made strides to lead towards the ability to completely read thoughts. Even the most fictional aspect of 1984 have become a reality due to advancing technology and the government's urge to control citizens, even in their most private

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