Ethical dilemmas in hospitality industry, 1000 words.
Even today, there is a growing concern for business ethics in the hospitality industry as hospitality employee’s and professionals are faced with ethical dilemmas in their daily operations. This essay entails arguments of the author and different sources about ethical dilemmas within the hospitality industry and how professionals might deal with it in the future. The last few years, there has been a lot of discussion regarding ethical practices within the hospitality industry. Largely it has been supposed that those businesses that do what is ethical and moral to their employees and clients generate long-term benefits. As a result, the sections in this essay will explain more about teaching
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This can increase the revenue and profit of an organization.
Secondly, nowadays we know much more about ethics than a long time ago. By following classes at hospitality universities, students are getting familiar with ethics and ethical dilemmas within the hospitality industry. Students learn the required themes for the test, get a note and pass the test and that’s it.
Teaching in ethics is meaningless if it only results in the graduates’ ability to reason theoretically and make “nice talk” (Marnburg, 2003). As some writers have pointed out (e.g. Daniel, Elliott Howard, & DuFrene, 1997; Yeung & Pine, 2003), teaching in ethics has to be linked to what the students perceive as the reality and their future in the work field, in other words; dilemmas they expect to face in a (management) position in hospitality areas. Yeh (2012) reports that hotel managers encourage more ethics education and training for hospitality students before they start working in the
The business ethics programs I believe will convey our company values, these are often stated in a code of conduct, where employees will have to follow and understand policies to guide decisions and behavior. This recommendation I am giving will require employees at INDE to participate in extensive training as as well evaluating situations where ethical dilemmas can arise and lead to crisis such as the one we are facing currently. However, the ethics program will be useless if all staff members aren’t trained about what it is.
The author Robert Solomon argues that ethics has to an integral part with regard to business management. He does not believe that business management must include unethical or illegal methods to be able to succeed. Solomon preaches that business management is not as simple as obtaining revenue. “Businesses need to abide by fair policies and their owners have to be ethical in dealing with their customers” (Shaw p. 37). The author acknowledges that while illegal practices in business management could bring positive results at first, eventually the business is bound to fail. This is why Solomon recommended eight important policies that can help businesses in integrating ethics into their operations.
Mentioning about business classes, students may think about finance, marketing, accounting, management and so on. However, ethics class is designed for all business students to understand about ethics and how to do moral business. The article Can We Teach Character? An Aristotelian Answer by Edwin M. Hartman explains the principle of ethics and how the schools can teach their business students good characters. The author emphasizes on the Aristotle’s principles of well-being and ethics and how to apply these principles to real life.
The first ethical issue in this situation is connected with privacy and confidentiality. Every human service agency is obligated to protect the client's right to privacy and confidentiality by assuring the integrity, safety, and security of client records (National Organization for Human Services, 2015). Although, now the agency clients are expressing a verbal consent for the housekeeping staff member to use their information and “counsel” them, his lack of qualification may lead to the spreading of this information to third parties. The clients have trusted their private information to the agency, and in case of further information leakage the agency will be fully responsible for the harm caused by it.
Ethics is important to everyone for the society as a whole. Whether it is in a person’s professional career or personal life, ethics and morals play an important role. The key to an organization’s success is the way they handle business ethically. Although it is not always simple to do the right thing, it is something that must be done. Conducting an Ethics Awareness Inventory is a way someone can learn how they as individuals see ethics; what is important to them the most, and what is important to them the least. I completed this inventory, and will discuss how it relates to my
Throughout this class, I also realized there are more ethical issues than I realized. Some of these issues include human resource issues, such as privacy, discrimination, sexual harassment, performance evaluations, hiring, firing, etc. (Nelson, 2007, p. 68). Conflicts of interest are also on the list of ethical issues seen more regularly throughout the business world. Some of the issues that involve conflicts of interest are hard to recognize as ethical problems. Before taking this class, many issues that happened around my workplace were because of conflicts of interest, but I did not view them as ethical issues. Now, when these types of problems arise, I recognize the ethical issue of the problem before trying to correct it. I have gained so much knowledge throughout this course in such a brief time. Understanding ethics will ultimately help me better myself in my career and could possibly bring better opportunities my way in the future.
Everyday individuals are faced with issues associated with ethical dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas involve an individual’s behavior toward a moral standard, which may have been established from previous generations and passed along. In upholding the standards taught individual may be forced to take a particular action involving a decision when a behavior is considered non-ethical is when an ethical dilemma occurs. It can become difficult at times in making the correct decisions or solutions to the situation, which is why a code of ethics is established in the workplace. The code of ethics in the
The ethical dilemma is a situation by which it’s difficult to determine whether a situation is can be handled without disappointing both sides. Therefore, an ethical dilemma exists when the right thing to do is clear or when members of the healthcare team cannot agree on the right thing to do. Ethical dilemmas require negotiation of different points of view (potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall 2011pg 78).
This case study was a powerful example to illustrate the presence of ethics within the
Every licensed professional has had to complete (and pass) an ethics course, at some point in their educational career; whereby they become exposed to, and learn about, the established ethical codes, theories, and dilemmas within both their specific communities and society as a whole. With an increasing interest in social justice, or the “fifth force ” (Corey, G., Corey, M. S., Corey, C., & Callanan, P., 2014), there has also been a recent rise in concerns for the purposes of these required ethics courses and how they actually translate into professional practice: are ethical values kinetic or potential, in effect,
I have been selected by the Dreamx Coffee Parlour for the purpose of conducting survey about the causes of ethical breaches by its employees and its impact on organizational culture. This coffee shop has been in operation since a decade. Coffee shop provides the coffee lovers a unique taste of Coffee with blend of ancient Italian roaster. The coffee shop also offers juices, sandwiches, snacks, chocolates, cakes as side orders. It primarily employs college students as its employees and the management of the coffee shop constitutes of senior students. So, its management lacks experience and skills of leadership and managing employees in a way that yields positive performance and results. Moreover, the organization is poorly structured that has resulted in the decline in its revenue and profit. The purpose of employing students as its employees is to get the work done in in-convenient hours and under low wages. These practices have demotivated employees resulting in escalation of their turnover intentions.
Ethical behaviour is what all career people should aim to have. Not just the ethical attribute but exceptional behaviour with this regard.this is because in order to build a career, one must be governed by the rules of ethics to safeguard oneself and others. Ethics are essential in the workplace because a tough ethical code provides a non-threatening environment with high
By reflecting the importance and challenges of blending ethics in education, steps can be further taken to improve education in the future. Although it is tough to ensure that ethics is being taught completely to the students, but the efforts in teaching ethics still need to be taken seriously. Despite the challenges of infusing ethics in education, ethical education plays a part in developing well-rounded students, the building blocks of our nation. Last but not least, we hope that ethical education shapes a better
In their personal and professional lives, people can and, unfortunately, sometimes do go against their moral and ethical standards. Ethical standards are what it means to be a good person, the social rules that govern our behavior. Ethics in business is essentially the study of what constitutes the right and wrong or the good or bad behavior in the workplace environment. A business is an organization whose objective is to provide goods or services for profit. The organization has a group of people that work together to achieve a common purpose. The moral challenges that these men and women face each day along with a whole range of problems that could occur, are why ethics plays such an important
In the modern world, two things are most sought after: goodness and prosperity. However, given the innate nature of mankind, and his compulsions towards greed and selfishness, complete morality is impossible. This idea has roots in the definitions and ideals found in utilitarianism, a term that will be defined later, and has led many to call business ethics an oxymoron. “In the US generally, the ethical road that is paved with good corporate intentions and constructive programs includes some bumps,” (McClenahen 60). Although bumps may exist, many companies are striving for excellence in this area as statistics show ethics are related to customer loyalty 's. These businesses have found that improvements can be found through understanding and action. Business leaders can increase morals by understand utilitarianism, leadership, correct forms of communication, and how these affect customers.