
Examples Of Ethical Dilemmas In The Hospitality Industry

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Ethical dilemmas in hospitality industry, 1000 words.

Even today, there is a growing concern for business ethics in the hospitality industry as hospitality employee’s and professionals are faced with ethical dilemmas in their daily operations. This essay entails arguments of the author and different sources about ethical dilemmas within the hospitality industry and how professionals might deal with it in the future. The last few years, there has been a lot of discussion regarding ethical practices within the hospitality industry. Largely it has been supposed that those businesses that do what is ethical and moral to their employees and clients generate long-term benefits. As a result, the sections in this essay will explain more about teaching …show more content…

This can increase the revenue and profit of an organization.

Secondly, nowadays we know much more about ethics than a long time ago. By following classes at hospitality universities, students are getting familiar with ethics and ethical dilemmas within the hospitality industry. Students learn the required themes for the test, get a note and pass the test and that’s it.

Teaching in ethics is meaningless if it only results in the graduates’ ability to reason theoretically and make “nice talk” (Marnburg, 2003). As some writers have pointed out (e.g. Daniel, Elliott Howard, & DuFrene, 1997; Yeung & Pine, 2003), teaching in ethics has to be linked to what the students perceive as the reality and their future in the work field, in other words; dilemmas they expect to face in a (management) position in hospitality areas. Yeh (2012) reports that hotel managers encourage more ethics education and training for hospitality students before they start working in the

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